View from my plane
Volcano in the clouds
Here I am, Lord, send me
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”
And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” ~ Isaiah 6:8
How are you this beautiful day? I hope you and your family are safe and well.
I just got back from a trip last week to Antigua, Guatemala. The only people who knew that I was going were my immediate family members and my small group of intercessors, who were praying for me and my family before I went, while I was there, and now that I’ve returned after over a week there.
It was an incredible trip and I’m so thankful to God for sending me there and providing for me to go (through my husband Ray and a few generous friends!).
Guatemala is so beautiful with its gorgeous, unique flowers, the volcanoes and mountains, evergreen trees year-round ~ and heart-breaking with the children and the adults who beg in Parque Central (Center Park in Antigua), starving dogs and cats in the street, poverty, lack of education, corruption, and more. But it is an intriguing, fascinating place and I hope to return again soon!
I created some short videos on YouTube and Facebook to share a little about my time there. I’m also planning to blog at my website with pictures to share with you.
First, I want to tell you about the amazing things that God did there, including leading a man at the park to Christ, praying at the top of Cerra de la Cruz over Guatemala and its people for salvations, healings, miracles, and God’s blessings, and feeding a little girl grapes (of such is the Kingdom of God!). I prayed everywhere I went for Guatemala and her precious people.
I also have a video of my beautiful Air BnB there, why specifically I went to Guatemala, and a short clip of Antigua’s cobblestone streets.
Be looking for more videos and blogs in the days and weeks ahead. Just click on the links below to view the videos.
What God did on my trip to Guatemala
Why I went to Antigua, Guatemala
My beautiful Air BnB in Antigua, Guatemala (a video tour)
How did I prepare for Guatemala?
Cerra de la Cruz (the hill with the cross, where I prayed over Guatemala)

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