We’ve all heard the expression, ‘Your attitude determines your altitude.” Meaning if you have a great attitude, the possibilities for you are limitless. Our minds and thoughts are powerful, and one way we can overcome everyday problems and even extreme hardship is by having a good attitude, thinking positive thoughts, and having strong faith in God.
The reverse is true, too. Lately dh Ray has been on a pickle kick. Claussen hearty garlic pickles, pickled okra, pickled asparagus. He’s just craving pickles for some reason. Yesterday at a convenience store he bought this pickle:
Do you see what it says on the package? “Sour sis…one puckered pickle.”
I don’t want to be a “sour sis.” I don’t want a frowning, puckered face. I want to have a cheerful attitude, a smile always on my face, to be a positive, life-giving person, and to have a rock-steady faith in Christ. I.e., I want to be like Jesus.
What about you? Do you have “an attitude”? Do you struggle with doubt, negativity, depression, anger, gloom-and-doom expectations, pride, anxiety, stress? Does your “tude” need adjusting lately?
One way our attitudes can become better is by renewing our minds. Romans 12:2 (NLT) says, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”
It’s not always easy when problems or trials come up. But day by day we can train our minds to think new faith-filled thoughts and to develop a better attitude with all those around us – much like Roman soldiers used to train daily for hours with their swords to stay physically fit and to be skilled in the art of war. The Roman soldier was a master in sword-fighting, considered one of the best in those days:
“A legionnaire had to go through intense physical, mental, and military drills before being admitted to the unit. The daily regimen of a soldier was grueling: they started their morning with a march to build up endurance; they carried weights in running, walking, or swimming drills to build up strength and stamina; and they needed to endure hunger and thirst to prepare them in times when supplies were cut off. The Roman army was considered the best of its days, and it heavily used military science to defeat enemies. Compared to the armies of the barbarians, it is an army that knew exactly what to do at any point of the fight.” (https://www.2-clicks-swords.com/article/roman-sword-fighting-techniques.html)
We too can train daily by renewing our minds with God’s word, so we are well-prepared for any battles ahead and so we will “soar” – by thinking on good things:
“And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” – Philippians 4:8, NLT
***Want to learn more about having a strong faith in Christ during spiritual battles until you see the victory? Sign up for my update list at https://www.bethjones.net (the opt-in box under the little pencil on the right sidebar of the page). That way you’ll be able to keep up with the latest updates about my ebook on women and spiritual warfare that I’m writing now, which will be available soon.
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