Golden Hues
“Autumn brings cooler days
Effusing fiery golden hues.”
~ Copyright 2012 Joseph May
I have a new addiction this fall: pumpkin spice cappuccino. Between that and Sonic grape slushes, I’m not doing a very good job of conquering my sugar addiction, so please pray for me! (Yes, seriously, pray.)
Below is a picture of me with my cappuccino before church yesterday. Pastor Jeff taught on discipleship and I was challenged by his question: who is discipling you and who are you discipling? We all need a Paul (teacher) and a Timothy (disciple) in our lives.

I’m also loving the beautiful colored leaves. This is my fave time of year, besides spring. It used to be winter until the last couple of icy winters, where our car’s tires were sliding on the highway and it freaked me out. Planning to get new snow tires soon! (I also dislike all the germs and how people get so sick during the winter…especially if it involves anyone in my family!)

Although fall and spring are now my fave seasons, I’m still a snow bunny at heart and love how pretty the white snow looks outside, but my husband Ray (a paramedic) says I don’t have to work in the slushy mess like he does. He’s right. I get to enjoy looking at it from inside our toasty warm house, under a soft blanket with my fuzzy socks and drinking a hot chocolate with whip cream!

My sweet Facebook friend Debbie Oliver is constantly posting pics of delicious hot chocolate with marshmallows, whip cream, and sprinkles that inspire me, like the one in the pic below! Debbie is founder and group leader of Debbie Oliver Ministries. Isn’t she beautiful? Her heart is, too! I hope one day to meet her in person.

We’re now in the final quarter of the year. It’s a great time to examine the goals you made at the beginning of the year. Which ones have you accomplished? Which ones remain undone?
Let’s finish 2016 with intention and obedience. God still has things He wants you and me to do this year! Pray and ask Him what that is, and then obey.

The remaining goals I have for this year are:
- Improving my health and fitness (eating healthy and walking/jogging 3-4 times a week; I need to get back on track!);
- Working on my marriage (improving communication; dating; intentionally building intimacy);
- Praying daily for Ray, our children, grandchildren, and other family and friends;
- Outsourcing help for my newest books – hiring a formatter to format my Word file for Kindle at Amazon for my new book, Metamorphosis: Transformed from Fear to Faith, and hiring a graphic designer to design the cover for my eBook, How To Write Fast: Making Your Writing Dreams Come True, to get it ready for print (a physical book copy) for you.
- Traveling. I have a specific place where I’m praying to go this year, if God provides financially (just one of many!). Where do you want to go? “You’re off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So… get on your way!” (Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go!)
Are you enjoying this fall? What are your fave things about autumn?
What remaining goals do you have for this year that you need to get done? Leave your comments below.
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