Do you have a big dream in your heart? If you’ve heard me speak or write, you know one of my mottos is, “Dream big because we serve a big God!”
Our oldest daughter Heather had a big dream in her heart—to get her college Associate’s degree in Business Administration. And she did it, while working full-time and taking care of her two little girls, Annabelle and Violet!

Heather wanted to quit many times. I encouraged her she would reach the finish line and to keep going. And she did. Ray and I and our family are so proud of her!

Below she is walking across the stage to get her degree. Of course, our family, her girls, her boyfriend Matt, and her friend Lindsey cheered loudly as she did!

Below is a great headshot pic of Heather. She looked so beautiful in her cap, tassel, and gown!

Heather needed me to come get her phone and purse before the ceremony. I snapped a couple of pics of her and me before she graduated. I’m so excited and happy for her!

During the graduation ceremony, the speaker asked all veterans who had served in the military and those serving now to stand up, for us to honor them. Ray served in the U.S. Navy for over 14 years as a combat medic.

Below is a great pic of our family with Heather: Ray, our daughter Leah, Heather, and me. We’re just missing our middle daughter, Eden, who is in OKlahoma and couldn’t come for the ceremony.

Below is a pic of Heather after the ceremony with her two precious girls,Violet and Annabelle.

Before the ceremony, I took a pic of Violet and Annabelle in their pink dresses by an ice cream freezer at a coffee shop at the church, where the graduation was held. It made such a cute pic!

Below is a pic of Heather after graduation with her boyfriend, Matt Franklin. They’ve been dating two years now and he was very proud of her, too.

Below is Heather with her friend Lindsey, who has been a great friend to her.

I thought it was funny when my husband Ray told me that Heather had taken a picture with her “friends” at graduation. I said, “What friends? All her classes were online!”
Heather is a social butterfly. She had just met these people at her graduation ceremony and took pics and funny videos with them. I thought it was hilarious. Welcome to the social media world! You can see the long line of graduates in back of them.

I gave Heather a little party at her house with family and a couple of friends to celebrate this huge accomplishment.
I ordered a cake from Hy-Vee, which was a white cake with white frosting and inscribed with blue frosting, “You did it, Heather!” It also had a cute little cap and scroll on it for the degree. They did a beautiful job on the cake and it was delicious!

I found these adorable, teal-blue “sprinkle” plates and napkins and heart cup decorations to match the cake for the party at the dollar store.

We had a few tasty snacks like little smokies with BBQ sauce, potato chips, pickles, olives, broccoli with ranch, and Matt’s mom Kay brought yummy salted pretzels, drizzled with caramel.

Since Heather loves the ocean like I do, I bought her a silver necklace with a clam pendant and a white stone and a silver bracelet as a gift.

Matt’s mom Kay bought her a beautiful, sunflower recipe book as a graduation gift. It was very cool!

Here’s a pretty pic of Heather wearing the necklace and bracelet I bought her.

Here’s a great pic of Heather, Violet, and our daughter Leah at the little party. I love Heather’s picture of the ocean and stairs in the background.

Heather’s pregnant friend Tiffany came to the party. Her due date is in July. I think pregnant women are beautiful. She looked so cute in her hat. They’ve been friends since they were teens.

Her girls enjoyed the snacks. Here’s Annabelle acting silly, eating cake! Her girls were very proud of Heather, too!

I drew a little sign with a heart (I love hearts!) on the girls’ white board for the party to congratulate Heather.

What big dream or goal is in your heart? Whatever it is, you can do it!
God helped Heather to accomplish this amazing dream and goal, even while working full time and taking care of her girls, and He can help you, too! Nothing is impossible with God!
Ray and I are so very proud of Heather! If you would like to bless Heather with a gift for her college graduation (money is always good!), please feel free to do so!
“God can do anything, you know – far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.”–Ephesians 3:20, The Message

We’re so proud of you!
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