Our beautiful daughter Heather loves running. She really enjoys the accomplishment of running a 5K.
This weekend she did another one, the Kansas City Glow Run.* She had 17 people join her team ~ even a few random people she didn’t know, who signed up to be on her team!
The way to tell if you are a leader is if you have followers. Are you leading others?

Heather and her friends came up with the silly name, Running With Scissors, for their team name. I’m really not sure how they came up with this!
Their team members wore neon-colored clothes and tutus for fun. You can see the plastic scissors necklace Heather was wearing in this pic below with her friend Tiffany Deboe.

To Heather’s chagrin, it began raining before the 5K. She was dressed in a pink tank top and shorts, so she got cold.
But there was an amazing double rainbow. God’s promises are yes and amen. (2 Corinthians 1: 20) I also remembered God’s double portion anointing on Elisha when I saw this pic. (2 Kings 2: 9-12)

Originally, Heather intended to walk with Matt and her friends, but decided she needed to just run. And she did, finishing the race in good time.
She said things didn’t happen as she planned.
I felt this was prophetic for Heather and a powerful message for all of us as Christians.
Things in our lives may not happen as we plan, but will be as God plans. And they are God’s plans for good. (Jeremiah 29: 11)
Each one of us needs to run the race God has prepared for us, not allowing anyone or anything to hinder us or distract us from His purpose and calling for us. We need to press on toward the goal to win the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:14, ASV).
Everyone on Heather’s team finished the 5K, including those who hadn’t ever walked a 5K before! Whoo hoo! I’m so proud of her and all of them!
Below is a pic of Heather and Matt before the 5K began. Isn’t Heather adorable in her neon clothing and tutu? LOL. She bought some cool, neon-colored, Nike shoes for the race, too. Luv her Nike’s!

Everyone who participated in the run received a glow in the dark finisher’s medal. Below are Matt and Heather with their medal. One day we as believers will receive our reward from God. (Matthew 16:27, Colossians 3: 23-24, 1 Peter 5:4)

There was also an “after party” outside after the 5K – a glow party with thousands of glowing runners and walkers dancing the night away. I can’t wait for the “after party” with Jesus! What about you? 🙂 (Revelation 19: 7-9)

Here I am with Heather, the next day, when she, Leah, and I ate Chinese lunch together. She wore her Glow Run 5K shirt and still had on her face paint. 🙂 I was wearing a cute summer dress that I found on sale for just $5 at Walmart when I was shopping for saline solution and other household items. Love deals like that!

*The Glow Run’s charity partner was the Love Fund For Children, which works to ensure children in KC and surrounding areas have necessities for growing, learning, and living.
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