If you’ve hung around here for awhile, you may remember precious Hadassah, the little girl our friends Pat and Kim Weber adopted from China. This weekend, unfortunately Pat’s mom passed away so Pat and Kim drove from Florida to Missouri for the funeral with all their kids in the van. (Please pray for Pat and his family for their loss.) Leah and I were able to see them yesterday at a park, and then we ate (my first) Super Chief Philly cheesesteak sandwich at Chartroose Caboose.
You can see in the picture (right) that beautiful Hadassah is really growing, and her hair is much longer now. Her older sister Megan loves to dress up her little “doll” in dresses, brushing her hair. Hadassah has 3 older siblings who love her dearly and are so happy to have this gift from God in their family!
I told Hadassah at the park as she was swinging that she had to say my name before I left, and she said it right away: “Beth.” Of course, that made my day! I smiled big at her and said, ‘That’s right! I helped to pray you in!”
Hadassah finished the physical therapy on her hand, and uses it well now – an answered prayer! Some of the fingers have straightened some as a result of the physical therapy, which gives her more ability with it. She’s healthy and happy. She has a good appetite and loves asking Pat for part of whatever he’s eating on his plate, too. 🙂 As I sat next to her at lunch, she wanted more ketchup on her sandwich and french fries – she loves ketchup. One of her favorite foods is rice.
She calls herself “Dassah,” and when Pat teases her and says, “Are you Dassah Doo?”, she says, “No, I am Dassah! Not Dassah Doo!” LOL.
The Webers’ kids are so beautiful and precious. I really miss all of them. Below is a picture of them outside the restaurant. Caleb is the oldest (and about 6 feet tall like his dad Pat!), then Nathaniel, Megan, and little Hadassah. Caleb took a mission trip to Trinidad this year with his church. All their kids are so smart, spiritually gifted, polite, and have a great sense of humor. They love laughing and to make you laugh.
Recently Pat had some work to do in Atlanta, GA, and Virginia, and since Kim homeschools all of them, they rented a van and drove to both states, visiting science museums, Patrick Henry’s home, and other educational sites.
Kim, for me, epitomizes the Proverbs 31 woman as no other woman whom I’ve met. She truly inspires me. She fiercely loves her husband and her children; she’s an excellent homeschool teacher, a great cook (Pat told me this weekend he LOVES her baking!), and she sews; and she has a giving, loving heart, ministering to all who come across her path. Pat and the kids adore her – and vice versa!

It was so good to see them and talk to them! I told our daughter Leah on the way driving home that it is true friendship when you can just pick up talking right away where you left off, without any awkwardness in the conversation. We’ve all been friends for 17 years. We haven’t seen each other in over a year since Leah and I flew to Florida for me to babysit their kids when Pat and Kim flew to China to get Hadassah, and it was like we had just seen each other yesterday!
Cherish your friends. Let them know how much you love them – call them, email, write them, text them, visit them, pray for them…don’t put it off until tomorrow. Today is the sacred space we have to love others.
“A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.” ~ Donna Roberts
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