This week at the NACWE 2012 Virtual Conference, I was given the powerful, needed reminder by Kelly Thorne Gore of IBloom that God is the CEO of my business and He should always have first place in my day.
Of course, as believers we know this, but sometimes as soon as our eyes open, our “Entrepreneurial A.D.D.” as my friend Diane calls it hits, and we’re off and running with our to-do list.
For the last few days, I’ve intentionally sat at Jesus’ feet and just listened to God first thing in the morning. I have learned again to surrender all to Him ~ my life, my family, my friends, my health, my business, my gifts. It’s all His.
Today’s great “accomplishments”:
- “Business planning” (quiet time) with God
- Dishes and Laundry done (Proverbs 31 work!)
- NACWE Virtual conference – learning, learning, learning ~ and building relationships with other awesome women of God!
- Helping daughter Leah with homeschooling
- Rejoicing with Leah that her web cam for her desktop computer arrived in the mail today, so she can video chat with her friends who live in a different city now
- Read a chapter from Sandy Krakowski’s book, Read Their Mind
- Watched The Descendants movie with George Clooney (sad!)
- Talked with oldest daughter Heather and encouraged her about a difficult situation
- Facebook-chatted with and gave tips to a peer about her business/passions.
Looking at this list, it may not look like “much” compared to other people’s lists, but right now I feel peaceful and satisfied. I believe my steps today were ordered by God and that I did what He wanted me to do…all because I put Him first place today and just sat, listening to Him for guidance and wisdom. I yielded the day to Him ~ and it went well.
Are you making time with God a priority in your day? Learn how by clicking here.
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