Do you want to network? Ready to connect and meet some new women that will become your cheerleaders, support group and partners for the journey?
Come join Diane Cunningham for this FREE CALL tomorrow in honor of the 100th International Women’s Day.
Let’s celebrate being a woman and the power of connections~~~
We are meeting on our talkshoe line to connect by phone and online CHAT at 4pm CST. Go here! or call in (724) 444-7444 and the code is 95463.
The call with be hosted by Diane and is open to ALL women, not just members of the National Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs. Be sure to invite a friend, sharing this blog post and link! Tweet it, post it on your Facebook status, let others know.
Diane will be sharing the Top 10 Reasons that NOW is the perfect time to be a Christian Woman Entrepreneur.
She will also be annoucing some amazing discounts and savings on products such as the Inspired Business Toolkit and the 90 Days to Marketing Success video coaching program. You are going to love saving $100 on the toolkit! Will you be joining us?
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