Each year in December or January business owners set goals to help them grow and achieve more. Did you set goals for your business that included creating an audio?
Does this goal seem impossible to reach?
It’s not if you know where to start. A lot of business owners use this valuable tool and you can, too.
We’d like to invite you to attend a special FREE call on March 8th where she will talk about creating audio. During this 60 minute call you’ll learn about audios and how they can grow your business. We’ll talk about the tools needed to create them yourself and use them online to improve your business and reach your goal.
Alyssa will share with you the importance of MP3 versions of your audios and how to create them. She will also show you the importance of adding them online so others will have the ability to listen to them.
At the end of the call Alyssa will share with you the highlights of the FREE webinar training that will take place on March 17th. In that class you’ll learn step by step how to create and edit audios. You’ll also learn how to turn them into an MP3 and what it takes to upload them to your website and other sites.
Will you do what it takes to learn about audios and how they can help you grow your business?
FREE Call:
“What makes an audio an info product?”
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
7:30 – 8:30 pm CST
To register for this FREE call, go to https://qualityinfoproductcreation.com/audiocreationcall.htm
Learn what it takes to make audios for your business that will make you shine and stand above the rest. Make your business visible to all and give them the ability to listen to your message whenever and wherever.
Learn how to make this happen for you when you attend this FREE call. Go to https://qualityinfoproductcreation.com/audiocreationcall.htm to register today.
Be sure to put in the referral blank that I (Beth Jones) referred you to the call. I’ll get credit!
Thanks so much. I can’t wait to see you there!
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