Virtual Fireplace Cocoa Chat

The year 2022 is winding down.

The hectic, busy holidays are fast approaching.

Image source: Raspopova Marina @ Unsplash
Image source: Raspopova Marina @ Unsplash

Do you need some time to just relax and unwind?

To get sips of courage and strength?

To receive prayer and words of blessing?

Image source: Cowomen @ Unsplash
Image source: Cowomen @ Unsplash

From the beginning of time, women have gathered together.

To work.

To talk.

To cry and laugh.


Now that this year is coming to a close soon, let’s gather together as women of God.

Ignited with His divine purpose. Alive with His love. Shining brightly as the stars above.

Image source: Eduardo Garcia Nieto @ Unsplash
Image source: Eduardo Garcia Nieto @ Unsplash

Ladies, join me for…

Virtual Fireplace Cocoa & Chat

November 16, 2022

1 p.m. CST/2 p.m. EST

Maybe it’s been a great year for you. Or a terrible one. 

Either way, we’re not an island unto ourselves. We need others around us. To know that we’re not alone.

And we can all use some encouragement. And some down time to refill.


This is a time to set aside with no busy to-do’s.

A sacred place to just be still and listen to God’s heart for His precious daughters.

To look back over the year, acknowledge what we have accomplished as God’s conduits of power…and nod at what we might have done better and where we can improve next year–to become more like Jesus.

Image source: Anne Rosly @ Unsplash
Image source: Anne Rosly @ Unsplash

We don’t need to map out all next year’s activities and dream big new dreams right now.

We don’t have to plan the big family holiday meals just yet or deep clean the house for our company.

Nor write the long Christmas shopping list today, or break out the decorations.

Image source: Priscilla du Preez @ Unsplash
Image source: Priscilla du Preez @ Unsplash

This event is for us women to be in this moment. No dishes or chores or errands.

Not another teaching or biz training. No homework. We’ve done that all year!

But just to enjoy God’s wonderful presence. To connect with other women of faith at a “virtual fireplace.” And let God’s love and approval of you wash over you and me.

Image source: Eugenivy Now @ Unsplash
Image source: Eugenivy Now @ Unsplash

Can’t come to the live, one hour Zoom event? There will be a replay recording.

Come in your comfy pj’s, your hoodie and ripped jeans, or dress up to the 9’s.

Bring your hot cocoa, coffee, or your fave cold drink.

Simply faith, friends, and fun!

Just click on the Paypal button below, and you’ll get all the details once you confirm by email.

Just $25

I can’t wait to see you there!

Beth M. Jones, International Speaker, Author, & Coach

Beth M. Jones, International Speaker & Author