Do you have a favorite hero or heroine in the Bible? Someone who inspires you and that you admire? Maybe Noah, Abraham, Moses, Esther, Mary the mother of Jesus, or Mary Magdalene? One of my favorites is Deborah. Deborah was a judge and prophetess in Israel. She was also a great warrior for God, a woman of bold faith.
You can read more about her in Judges Chapter 4. I shared about Deborah in my recent webinar.
I also wrote an article about Deborah for my dear friend Kimberly Ehlers, and she posted part 1 of a two-part series of this article at her website here. You can read part 2 of the article at her website here.
While you’re there be sure to check out Kimberly’s wonderful bundle product, Messy Motives.
Her Messy Motives Bundle was based on her inspiration from Deborah. At the end of the battle against Sisera, Deborah sang praise to God. As Kimberly shared in her bundle, Deborah sang that those who love the LORD shine like the sun at full force.
Kimberly’s website is to encourage parents who have children with serious and/or chronic health challenges. She is an anointed speaker and writer. Here is an excerpt from Kimberly’s wonderful article, Shining Like The Sun In Full Force – Even In Our Storm:
“Do our songs of praise come from hearts that adore Him? Do our minds search His Word to find Him? Do our prayers flow from souls that long for Him? Do our actions share His love? When your child is sick, our motives for doing these things easily become murky and not so pure.
When God’s people love Him passionately, great things happen. Seas are parted. Slaves are set free. Evil is conquered. The sick are healed.
When God’s people love Him with all that they are, they “shine like the sun at full strength” (Judges 5:31b NKJ). That was Deborah’s prayer, and it is mine now. I want to see what life is like when I shine for the Lord, not just a little, but at FULL strength. I want to find out what it’s like to mother and be a wife glowing with His power.”
Don’t you love it? Kimberly’s description is so beautiful – shining at full strength, glowing with God’s power. That is my prayer, too. May we shine with God’s love this day.
Kimberly’s articles and her products will be such a blessing to you! I encourage you to check out her site today.
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