“The beginning is always today.” –Mary Shelley

Every Christmas as a fun tradition, I buy our 3 daughters matching, soft, fuzzy socks and try to take their picture wearing them (if they’re all here). This year I got my pic!

We had traditional holiday food at Thanksgiving, so I wanted to do something different for our family’s Christmas 2024 meal. We had a taco bar, and it was good and fun! Some of our grandchildren were here (Eden’s kids Asher, Willow, and Piper). Their laughter as they opened presents, played chase and hide-and-go-seek was music to my ears. Heather’s fiance Andy’s son Eian also came, and he had a ball playing with them.
Unfortunately, his dad Andy and his brother Kayden were getting over being sick and his sister Kelsey was working. We really missed the family members and others who couldn’t celebrate with us.
The only “fail” gift of mine was buying Asher a toy blue train, which I thought he’d like as he likes trains. I said, “Then give it to Eian.” He didn’t want it, either! Maybe they thought it was for babies, lol. When I then suggested giving the blue train to some other little boy, Asher protested, haha. Maybe he really did like it! They liked their other toys.

I bought our pretty granddaughters Willow and Piper and our grandson Asher these adorable toy roller boards with art supplies inside of them. The girls’ roller boards were pink and purple and Asher’s was green. I told them maybe one day they’ll take real roller boards and travel fun places, like Ray, I, and Heather have done on pleasure and mission trips. I bought Eian a big nerf gun and other presents. He liked the big gun!
Mostly, I got Visa gift cards and cash in a Snoopy Christmas card for the teens and our adult kids (their request!), although I did buy them a few other little gifts. Both Eden and Leah have Amazon wish lists, so I purchased some of those. Eden is a 3rd grade teacher at a Christian school and wanted mostly supplies for her classroom, so that’s what I got her. Among other little things, I bought Heather some comfy Snoopy pj’s (we both love Snoopy). Leah received a pretty blue kimono with a peacock on it, an art book and a Japanese myths book. (She traveled to Japan for two weeks earlier this year.) All our daughters received cash, too. I suppose everyone wants more money, right? Money can’t buy everything, but it sure helps! I think buying gifts for the teen boys (our grandson Jacob and Derek’s son Jayden) was the hardest, as I have girls—any ideas?

I cooked the ground beef, and ordered grilled chicken and salsa from Tu Casa, the local Mexican restaurant that I love. Everyone else brought the fixings: sour cream, lettuce, diced tomatoes, shredded cheese, and more salsa.
We also had potato chips with various dips, Ray made his delicious salmon dip (to go with Ritz crackers), I baked a yellow cake with chocolate frosting for Jesus’ birthday cake, and our daughter Leah baked a home-made, yummy cheesecake!
There were a few finger foods: little dill pickles, green olives, white chocolate-covered pretzels (a gift for us, made by the young woman who mowed our yard this past summer–so sweet of her), and fine chocolates (a gift to Ray at work).

I found these adorable snowman paper plates and napkins and the pretty blue cups at Dollar Tree for our meal. It saved me from having to wash a lot of dishes! Our daughter Heather and I love snowmen!

Eden brought her friend Derek and his teen son Jayden. Leah brought her boyfriend Raymond. What a blessing to have not only our precious children and some of our grandchildren here, but guests as well!

After we ate the Christmas lunch, we opened presents and then sang happy birthday to Jesus. Leah baked a home-made cheesecake, which was so good! All three of our daughters being here was my and Ray’s wonderful gift!

I have a hard time buying Ray gifts. This year, I prayed what to get him. (I know that he does not want any more t-shirts or socks!) He has an old record player that he inherited from his mom Judy and a collection of old records. (When Leah was a child, she thought these were giant CD’s, lol.) I bought him country singer Linda Ronstadt’s greatest hits. Leah also bought him Elvis’ greatest hits. I also bought him two hard-backed books that he had admired at Barnes & Noble bookstore, when we went there to look at Christmas lights at the Kansas City Plaza, The Art of War (on war and fighting methods) and The Wealth of Nations (economics). I think that he was pleased with his presents this year!

Later after everyone left, in my red penguin Christmas pajamas that I bought myself and wrapped to be under the Christmas tree, my hair was messy, but my heart was full – actually, overflowing with joy!

I asked Ray for two things for my Christmas gift: a treadmill and a hand-made Guatemalan nativity set. I saw the sets on my mission trip to Guatemala a couple of years ago and loved them. Yes, I know that Jesus was Jewish, not Guatemalan, but they are so cute!
Ray bought me both gifts! I’ve been walking at the local track last year and this year. I love being in the fresh air and in the sunshine for Vitamin D. The treadmill is for when I can’t walk at the local track, due to weather. It’s more boring, but it gets me moving!
This past weekend, we had a winter storm with ice and snow. We’ve had single digit temps this week and I’ve been praying for my family’s protection on the icy, dangerous highways and side roads! (Lots of wrecks locally) The snow and the ice are slowly melting now with the sunshine, but it’s still cold (20’s).

The treadmill is my “no excuses made” for walking for fitness and health! I listen to K-Love Christian radio station’s worship and praise music as I walk, or an audiobook Atomic Habits by James Clear. This is the first audiobook that I’ve ever actually listened to. It’s so good.

Ray also bought me this cute hearts coffee cup from the dollar store. I LOVE hearts and love this! Perfect for my morning hot, creamy coffee. I’m now using Coconut creamer for a healthier alternative to high sugar ones, but it just doesn’t taste the same! However, I love the cup!

Ray and I aren’t Jewish but we celebrate many of the Jewish feasts since Jesus did and He is our example. You can also see the symbolism of Jesus Christ in all of the feasts, which is fascinating.
Hanukkah began the day after Christmas in 2024, so we lit the candles in the menorah for the 8 nights. Our kids and our grandkids and their guests wanted to watch as Ray lit the candles at sunset and gave them a little teaching behind the story of the miracle of the oil in the temple when the Jews took back their temple.

It was supposed to only last for one night, but miraculously lasted eight nights instead. I believe that God is going to do MIRACLES this year 2025. AMEN!
Before the beginning of a new year, Ray and I pray, asking for His protection, wisdom, guidance, and blessings upon us and our children, our grandchildren, and other loved ones.
As Moses said to God, “Then he said to Him, “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.” (Exodus 33:15)
I also spend quiet time alone and pray for a “one word,” Scripture verse(s), and I also like to find a worship/praise song for the coming year.
As I’ve prayed, I sense two words from the Lord for myself for 2025.
Surrender and Believe.
I have this beautiful “Believe” decoration with red cardinals on it in my kitchen on my counter right now. Cardinals are a special sign of God’s love to me. I usually see them on bad days, and sense it is God letting me know that He loves me. (Sometimes I see them on good days, too.)

I wrote a book with a red cardinal on the cover, for sale at Amazon here.
Sometimes when I pray about a “one word” for the upcoming year, God gives me one that I don’t really want! I didn’t want the word “Surrender” for this year (who would?), but I was hearing it numerous times on K-Love, in music videos on YouTube, and casual conversations, and I thought, “Well, God must be talking.”
According to online dictionaries, the definition of “surrender” is:
- To yield to the power, possession, or control of another upon compulsion or demand;
- to give up completely;
- To give oneself over to something;
- To stop fighting and to admit defeat.
The online definition of “believe” is to accept something as true or to accept the word or evidence of someone or something.
From years past, even when God gives me a one word that I don’t desire, I know deep down that He has a Divine purpose and a good reason for it. So I listen and strive to obey Him.

I do like the second word: “Believe.” It’s not easy to walk out, though, is it? Yet God desires for us to believe Him and His eternal word, to have faith and TRUST Him.
God has given me several Scriptures for me personally for this year. I do know that one is 2 Timothy 1:7, NKJV.
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”
Another is Mark 11;24.
“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
A third encouraging verse is Isaiah 41:10, NIV.
“So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
I sensed that God showed me (a little bit of this) that as I surrender more and more of my heart, mind, and flesh to Him, the more I will believe Him and His word. I’m researching Bible verses about surrender this week and listening to different songs for the year.
God doesn’t want you and me to surrender to fear, doubt, worry, anxiety, or stress, but to believe and trust Him. To know that He has good plans for us, not for harm (Jeremiah 29:11) and that all things work for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28, NKJV).
I do believe that 2025 is going to be an exciting, adventurous year. But that it will also have challenges for us to grow deeper in faith in Jesus and to trust God. Whatever 2025 holds, we know that God is good, faithful, and loving and that He holds the year and you and me in His strong hands.
Do you make new year resolutions, goals, or ask God for a one word? (Or two!) What is your one word for 2025, your anchor verse, your song? Please leave it in the comments below. Happy New Year 2025!

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