It’s officially Autumn (Fall), one of my fave times of year. The leaves haven’t changed to glorious colors yet here in Missouri, but will soon.
“Autumn, the season that teaches us that change can be beautiful.” Heather Stillufsen
I’m knee-deep in writing my next book (on repentance – the book cover reveal is soon!), attending a ladies’ Bible study at my new church (Hope City Church in Harrisonville, Missouri), and leading a writers’ Progress Pod for my writing coaches CJ and Shelley Hitz’s membership site, Christian Book Academy. The brilliant idea and software for Progress Pods with The Next Tiny Step were created by Richard Ralston of New Zealand.
The progress pod helps with accountability and support to reach your goals and dreams faster. I love the ladies in both my Bible study and my pod each week! They are so sweet and encouraging. Some women in our pod are just starting to write their books and others already have published several. Many of us also write blog posts, speak, and coach. The main thing is just to keep going and not quit!

If you need help coaching to step out to speak or to write your book, here’s my coaching page for beginner speakers and writers.
One of the ladies in our pod, Constance Diakow, just published her first book; it’s a cute children’s book called Henrietta and her Special Rain Boots. You can find it for sale at Amazon here. Another author, Jill English Johnston, has written a Be Still book series with beautiful photography, such as this one, Consider: Trusting the Abundance of God.

Image source: https://www.defenders.org/
I was so honored that my writing coach Shelley asked me to lead one of the progress pods. I asked my husband Ray to help me name the pod. He has a quick wit and said immediately, “Dolphin Pod,” because dolphins swim in pods. He also knows that I LOVE dolphins.
When we got engaged, Ray didn’t have a lot of money then to buy me an expensive diamond engagement ring, so he bought me a gold dolphin ring. I still have it and keep it in my jewelry stand. (He later bought me a beautiful diamond one!)

This past Friday, I attended the ladies’ retreat at Hope City Church with our beautiful daughters Heather and Eden, and Heather’s beautiful, previous neighbor, Samoy. God’s presence was there and it was so fun! Over 260 ladies signed up for this first-time ladies’ retreat at Hope City – wow! This blew me away.

L to R: Beautiful ladies!
Samoy, me, Heather, & Eden
They had several give-aways, a great worship time, and after the speaker (the pastor’s wife and worship leader Amy’s sister Angie) talked about Jesus’ invitation to us to linger in intimacy with Him each day, they offered great snacks: different kinds of popcorn, trail mix, apples with caramel, apple cider, and hot chocolate with whipped cream, marshmallows, and chocolate syrup. YUM! Heather and I made Eden a hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows (she loves them!) and syrup. Isn’t that just like God?

I’m thankful that Ray and I have found a new church home. We’ve been looking for a new one for years. I love Hope City Church’s slogan: “Jesus. People. Coffee.” LOL!

The pastor Chad Fagerland boldly preaches the Bible, the worship team points to Jesus (not just up there for a show), the people are friendly and welcoming, and the church is growing – all ages! They recently went to four services, wow! I also love to have hot creamy coffee in the foyer right before attending church and I get to dress up, which I don’t often get to do. (I usually wear hoodies and jeans!) But you can wear whatever you want there!

September 20, 2023
I’m praying that I can make at least one or two new friends (or more!) at this church, and Ray, too!
One of the men who attends this church, Matthew, has a ministry at the local jail to men and women. Prompted by God, I asked him if he’d like free copies of my book on prayer, Walking With God, to give to the inmates. In 2018, I sold 7,700 books to a Christian subscription box organization!

My books went all across America, and with the profit of that sale, I was able to travel to Ireland with our precious daughter Leah for a week! It paid for the plane tickets, our Air BnB’s, our car rental, and our food. It is breathtakingly beautiful and we had such a fun, amazing time!

But the printer had an overage of (free) books for me. I’ve been wracking my brain trying to think of how to sell these extra books, that have just been sitting in my office. I released them to God’s will.

Matthew said he would accept my books to give to the inmates (women and men) and he took them in his truck at church this past week. Praise God! While I would have preferred to sell these extra books, I’m so thankful to bless the inmates so they can learn about the power of prayer to God–and get the books out of my office. This is HUGE answered prayer!
This morning I met our daughter Heather at Car Max in Merriam, Kansas for her to drop off her car to get a free oil change, then we drove to her work. On the way, she treated me to a Scooter’s hot latte coffee and a breakfast sandwich (egg, bacon, and cheese). Heather loves Scooter’s. The cup was cute! It was so good to see her, even if briefly. I love my kids so much!

I felt so thankful that I work from home after taking Heather today and that I don’t have to commute in rush hour traffic every day like Ray, our daughters Heather and Leah, and my sister Maria! It really stresses me out People drive crazy and are so rude! I don’t know how they do it, five or more days a week. My hat is off to them and you who deal with this!

I’m booking now for events for the rest of this year and for 2024. Have luggage, will travel! (I do like traveling in planes!) If you’re an event planner or know someone who needs a speaker for their live or online event, or a guest for their podcast, please contact me here.

How is your fall going? What are you doing that is fun, inspiring, and/or making an impact? Leave your comments down below. I’d love to hear from you!
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