It’s hard to wait. I’m not much of a waiter. Like a racehorse rarin’ to go out of the starting gate, I’m not real long on patience. Yet patience is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. “So let it grow, and don’t try to squirm out of your problems. For when your patience is finally in full bloom, then you will be ready for anything, strong in character, full and complete.” ~ James 1:4, TLB
My stepdaughter Eden is now 32 weeks pregnant. Like most moms-to-be, she wants everything ready ahead of time to prepare for her baby girl, Piper. (I LOVE Piper’s name! Very prophetic!)
Eden is all baby. She looks so cute! I think pregnant women are just beautiful. 🙂

We’ve been praying for God to provide everything Eden and Piper’s dad Craig need, as Eden already gave away all of her baby items for her now 7-year-old son Jacob. Recently God answered a HUGE prayer – a crib for Eden’s baby.
Eden’s godparents Gary and Sandy Peters had a crib that they used for their grandkids when they were babies, and they blessed Eden with it. Yesterday I went to pick it up to take it to Eden at her apartment. I’m so thankful Craig was able to put it together right away. Eden wants to paint it white for Piper’s room.

After I picked up the crib at Gary’s and Sandy’s house, I went to Walmart to buy Piper a new car seat, their other great need. I bought this pretty purple and black one by Evenflo. It is impact-tested for safety and is for newborn size. Another huge answered prayer! God is Jehovah Jireh, the Provider!

I also bought Piper some more little things: an owl and hearts onesies, fitted crib sheets, a package of 4 receiving blankets, and a cheery yellow owl wall deco for pictures and notes (Eden wants an owl theme for her bedroom).

About a month ago, I bought a “care package” for Eden to have some things ready for when Piper is born and she comes home from the hospital. I love doing this for new moms: Pampers diapers, pacifiers, a soft owl blanket, hand mitts, and pink cupcakes onesies (Eden used to work in a bakery and loves baking and eating cupcakes).

Our oldest daughter Heather bought Eden an owl diaper bag. Eden has packed it with the diapers, wipes, pacifiers, outfits, little hats, etc., to be ready to go to the hospital. I’m so glad that now Craig and Eden have the main things they need for Piper: the crib, her car seat, the diaper bag packed and ready to go, and of course everyone’s prayers for Eden’s pregnancy, an easy delivery, and a healthy baby!

Heather also bought Eden this nice baby swing from a mom at church. These can be life-savers when babies are fussy! (other than rocking the baby or snuggling with her, of course!)

After I dropped off the crib, car seat, and the gifts, I invited Eden and Craig to eat lunch. There is a Mexican restaurant across the street from their apartment, so we went there. I could eat Mexican every day! It was delicious! I think Eden and Craig enjoyed it, too. 🙂

Eden and I both have had two dreams each that Piper came early. Eden’s son Jacob came early and labor with him only took 5 hours! Usually in second, third and subsequent pregnancies, the baby comes faster. We think Piper will come early, but we’re praying she won’t be premature. Please keep Eden, Craig, and Piper in prayer. We all are very excited to meet her! It’s hard to be patient!
Is it hard for you to be patient? What is something you’ve been praying about, but your prayers haven’t been answered yet? Keep praying! Leave your comments below.
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