This weekend friends blessed me with a free ticket to the Glory School with Speaker/Author Patricia King, and to my delight, I won one of her books at the very beginning of her presentation!
She was giving out a variety of free info products before she spoke, and when she held up her book, 10 Steps To Success, I turned to my friends Ruth and Anita and said, “I want that!”
Right after Patricia shared about the book, my hand shot up and she said, “You want it?” and walked toward me. I was exuberant and hopped out of the seat quickly to get it. This was just one of the blessings from this weekend.
One of the keys to walking in God’s glory which Patricia shared about was generosity. The generous will be blessed. (Proverbs 22:9). Generosity unlocks God’s blessings and is a key to accessing the glory of God.
“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” – Proverbs 11:25, NIV
The pastor of Christ Triumphant church, Alan Koch, and the audience were stunned when Patricia suddenly announced at the end of her speaking presentation that she was just going to give away all of her products on the back tables, instead of selling them. She said, “Just take them. Get whatever you want.”
This was a live, sincere demonstration of what she taught. My friend Ruth quickly got me the book, Dream Big (one of my life mottos, especially now with my upcoming Africa trip!). I also got The Favor Factor and Step Into Supernatural Provision.
I estimated Patricia had well over $1,000 – and perhaps $1000’s – of products on the back tables, including books, audios, CDS, and DVDS. She said she has given away a car, she gives away her clothes about every 6 months, and she sows financially into many other ministries and charities.
Patricia said she never tells people publicly her needs, but God always supplies over and above her needs. He knows what they are, as well as her desires. (Such as pretty clothes. When women come up to her and tell her they love her clothes and jewelry, she tells them that God dresses her, because people are constantly sending her beautiful clothes as a gift. When she spoke, I noticed and loved her stylish clothes, especially her tall, brown boots, sort of like these.)
She understands God’s eternal principle, “Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will reap generously.” (2 Corinthians 9:6)
I was talking to a woman in the foyer afterward and she said she felt almost guilty taking the books for free and not paying Patricia. But I told her that I didn’t feel guilty at all; Patricia understood that God would pour back into her what she was so generously giving to others: “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” – Luke 6:38, NIV
My friend Ruth also said that when we don’t allow someone who has a gift of giving to give, it deprives that person of a blessing from God. (Giving is one of the spiritual gifts. – Romans 12:8)
Givers are compelled by God to give; they LOVE to give! Giving fills them with joy.(https://www.intouch.org/you/article-archive/content?topic=the_gift_of_giving_article)
Patricia exhorted us several times not to be stingy and “not to hold hands with a stingy person.” It can lock up your blessings from God, and lead to poverty. Stinginess is the opposite of God’s loving heart of giving.
“A stingy man hastens after wealth and does not know that poverty will come upon him.” – Proverbs 28:22, ESV
“One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.” – Proverbs 11:24, ESV
Do you have the gift of giving? Are you generous or do you struggle with holding onto money (or your love, time, or spiritual gifts) tightly?
Would you like an opportunity to give and further God’s kingdom here on earth?
You can give to my GoFundMe donations fund for my trip to speak at a women’s conference in Kenya, Africa in December 2013.
This is good soil to sow into. You’ll be partnering with God and me to make an impact globally.
Just click here to learn more or donate. No amount is too small or big.
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