U.S. troops searching for bodies still in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti after two children were pulled alive from rubble
I finally heard from Ray this morning on his Facebook status! I don’t know why he has Facebook access and not email, but am just so glad he has a way to contact us. Here is what he wrote:
Charles Ray Jones :
“Email and phone inoperable. Found a baby boy in shanty town last night 70% burns over body, infected. At airport, was told “We are only treating Americans.” Drove 20 miles to Sanapie to get baby to a hospital operating there. Call your congressman and complain. We are here to help everyone, not “just” Americans.”
Sounds an awful lot like Cain, when he asked God, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Genesis 4:9) Yes, we are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers. It is our obligation as human beings to help others, just as the Good Samaritan helped the man who was injured on the road to Jericho (Luke 10:30-35).
There have been 51 aftershocks since the initial quake, and the one yesterday morning at 6 a.m. was at magnitude -6.1, the strongest yet. So I was really glad to hear from Ray this morning—I could not get him on my cell phone all day yesterday.
Please pray for the baby boy with the burns, and for the people of Haiti. Last night I dreamed of a little girl there with an amputated arm. She was crying loudly.
The quick amputations there have really botherd me; I have felt that many were unnecessary and have been praying about it. It seems the doctors there are being hasty to perform them. An article in the Washington Post confirmed my concerns, even though I am not a M.D. What this doctor says is controversial and debated, but at least there is one M.D. who is voicing what was on my heart and is over there to help. https://www.washingtonpost.com/wpdyn/content/article/2010/01/20/AR2010012004646.html
Lord God, please be with these people. Comfort them. Heal them. Send them help quickly. Protect and bless Ray, Shawn, pastor Jay, and all the workers there. Use this horrible tragedy somehow, for your glory. In Jesus’ name, amen.
To give practical help to the people of Haiti, through Ray’s and Shawn’s medical-security mission trip, click here.
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