
Beth M. Jones speaking

Beth M. Jones is an International Speaker, Author, and Coach, wife to fire chief-paramedic Ray Jones, and mom of three beautiful daughters, Heather, Eden, and Leah. She also has two adorable cats, Natalya and Nichodemus, who follow her everywhere. Beth helps women to step out of fear into faith in Jesus Christ by sharing her powerful life story and the Bible about how much God loves us and the freedom we have in Jesus. Her mission is encouraging others to use their gifts for God’s glory, fulfill their purpose, and live a life they love.

Beth lives in the small, rural town of Butler, a suburb of Kansas City, Missouri. She has spoken internationally in six nations, written 30 books available for sale on Amazon, and coaches aspiring speakers and writers. 

She is a dynamic, Biblically based, professional speaker who is reliable and will be on time. She loves interacting with the event planner and audience before and after the event and will often request to take pictures and do book signings with whoever is attending.

Beth’s passions are Jesus, spending time with her family, speaking and writing, traveling (the beach is her place of happiness and peace), coffee, chocolate, chips and salsa, reading, art, music, and nature. Her husband Ray calls her an enigma; she loves to laugh and cries a lot.

Beth would love to speak at your women’s conference, retreat, or other event to bring the hope of Jesus Christ. Her signature speaking presentation is, Your big dreams can come true, based on the story of Cinderella. Dream big because we serve a big God!

Had a speaker cancel and need a speaker to fill in for you at the last minute, if possible? You can contact her here.