Today is Day 21 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge. Today’s suggested blog topic was imagining the future…what your family, blog, business, town, state, etc., will be like in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years.
In one year, I believe my husband Ray will be in a different job position, possibly one that is in the works now at the hospital if all goes well.
Our oldest daughter Heather will continue her college studies and hopefully will have a large raise at her office manager job or a different, better-paying job, which she needs as a single mom. Her college degree will be in business management.
I believe our middle daughter Eden will be more on her feet financially for her and her son Jacob (also a single mom). Hopefully she will have passed the other portions of her GED test and/or enrolled in a college class. Her dream is to own a restaurant and/or be a baker. (She loves baking cupcakes.)
I believe our daughter Leah will be excelling in playing the violin, and be an even more amazing artist. I’m praying she will be enrolled in at least one college art class and have a job.
I believe for myself, more doors will open for speaking opportunities and traveling – some trips with Ray, some trips as a family, some alone. I will probably be writing another book (or more than one!). I’m praying that I will have lost more weight, too.
I’m praying and believing that Ray and I will be home-owners and will be working toward paying off our debts and creating our Baby Step One emergency fund savings.
And I believe Jesus may come back within a year. The time is very short now. Prepare our hearts, Lord Jesus.
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