If you attended my recent webinar, if you’re one of my ezine subscribers, or you’ve read some of my recent 3 in 30 posts, you know that I’m now writing a new ebook on women and spiritual warfare. I’m so excited about it and can’t wait to make it available to you! Want a sneak peek into one of the chapters?
My dear friend Kimberly Ehlers has shared a little of their family’s incredible story at her website, which is included in one of the chapters in my ebook. Kimberly and her family have a POWERFUL testimony. You can read an excerpt of it by clicking here.
Kimberly’s family’s story is just ONE of the 8 stories in this upcoming ebook. AND my husband Ray – who was in the Marines 14 years, was a SWAT team member for many years, and who has been on five missions trips to Haiti, has written the foreward. It is great!
Want to hear the latest updates about the ebook and to hear first when the book is almost ready – and get “first dibs” on a discounted price? Be sure to get signed up on my update list. Just sign up under “Get Beth’s updates” on the right hand side of this site, entering your name and email address.
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