I first learned about the four types of personality when I attended CLASServices’ writers’ and speakers’ professional training several years ago in Saint Louis, MO. It helped me to finally understand why I act the way I do sometimes – and the way my family and others do sometimes, too! (Personalities can conflict!)
Florence wrote a book on the four types of personality called Personality Plus, which is the culmination of 25 years of hers and her now-deceased husband Fred’s seminar speaking, personality counseling, and day by day observation of people’s temperaments.
The book helps you to understand your – and others’ – unique, one-of-a-kind personality that God gave you. The stories in it are hilarious and straight-forward, and will help you to improve your personality strengths and correct your personality weaknesses.
Below is the Personality Profile Test found in Florence’s book Personality Plus for you to discover what your personality is. To learn more about the personalities in depth, I recommend Personality Plus or Wired That Way by Florence’s daughter, Marita Littauer. Just right click on the link below and save it to your computer. If you have more questions, email me at elizabethdjones@gmail.com.
I also recommend reading Betsy Ringer’s blog post on my sweet friend Beth Cranford’s website for her 31 Day Challenge. It simplifies the 4 types of personality and relates them to your business – in a very FUN way! You can read it by clicking here.