Tomorrow is the last day of 2011, and then the start of a fresh new year.
What do you need to leave behind in 2011?
- Worry?
- Anxiety?
- Depression?
- Discouragement?
- Stress?
- Anger?
- Unforgiveness?
- Too much busyness?
What are some new things that you would like to carry into 2012?
- Joy
- Peace
- Encouragement
- Prosperity and blessing
- Wisdom
- Faith
- Love
- Hope
Have you set some time aside yet to just spend with God and ask Him to be with you and your family in the new year, and give you the wisdom, protection, and direction you need? Have you dedicated the new year to Him and His will for your life? Have you spent time praying, perhaps with fasting, about what has happened in 2011 and what God wants to be changed in your life in the coming year – and what HIS plans for you are?
“Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer,
The Holy One of Israel:
“ I am the LORD your God,
Who teaches you to profit,
Who leads you by the way you should go. ”
Isaiah 47:17-19
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