You wouldn’t knowingly eat a piece of fruit or a vegetable that was saturated in pesticides or other chemicals, or allow your child to do so, would you? You don’t want those poisonous, harmful toxins in your body. It’s the same thing with our minds. We must detox our minds from the poisonous effects of sin (which we all struggle with), and renew our minds each day with the Word of God.
If you missed my friend Bess Blanco‘s Family Health Matters radio show, where I shared on this topic, you can still listen to the replay at Blog Talk Radio. Just click here.
Enjoy and please let us know your comments below. Bess has invited me back for future shows to share more on this topic, so stay tuned! If you are not already signed up for my newsletter, sign up at the top of the page on the right hand side so you will get my latest updates.
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