My dear friend Kimberly Ehlers and I were chatting by email this morning about needing to hear God’s voice for our specific business.
What works for so many of the “gurus” on the net may not work for or prosper yours. God has a unique plan and purpose for your life, your family, and your business.
We need to simply extract the precious from the worthless (Jeremiah 15:19, NASB), and apply what we’ve learned from those who are successful and implement what does help us. The key is hearing God’s word on the matter, listening to our gut instinct, and honoring our core values
I shared with Kimberly that I believe we should all do what Shakespeare wrote:
This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
When we are true to ourselves, to our core values like our faith, our family, homeschooling, etc, then we will live authentic, fulfilled, happy, successful lives.
If you are a homeschooling mom like Kimberly and I are, then your child’s homeschooling will need to be a priority over your home business. That doesn’t mean neglecting your business. But it does mean your child’s education must take precedence.
If you work full-time at a job outside the home because that is the career of your dreams, you need to honor that core value and not get pulled away from your passion by guilt trips from other parents to do fund-raiser cookie sales door-to-door.
If you are a new, young mom who has wanted a baby for years and just had a newborn, your baby needs to nurse or drink her bottle on a regular schedule instead of you putting off her feeding, letting her scream, while you are sucked into a draining phone conversation with a friend who is whining on the phone to you about her inconsiderate fiance’.
Maybe one of your core values is staying fit and healthy. Be sure to incorporate healthy eating, sufficient rest and entertainment, and exercising into your daily routine.
Or perhaps one of your core values is writing – writing is an essential part of your soul. (Only writers truly get this, because writing is like air!) Create space in your schedule to write daily instead of compulsively organizing your spices cabinet.
Whatever your core values are, that is what you need to prioritize and stay true to each day.
I encourage you to take some time today to pray and think about your main 5 to 10 core values, and write them down. Then live your life in such a way as to focus on them and avoid distractions so you can live intentionally and authentically.
Image Resource: Image: renjith krishnan /
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