I am SOOOOO excited! My ebook, Walking With God, is almost ready for you to purchase here on my website! My friend Ruby Fleurcius, entrepreneur, author, speaker, and owner of her own publishing company, just finished editing the manuscript, putting the booklet and ebook into pdf format, and when I shared what I wanted for my cover, she designed the beautiful cover for the booklet and ebook that I just LOVE!
Ruby is a beautiful, anointed, creative, encouraging woman of God. Be sure to check out her website, Spiritually Fit. And don’t you just love her name? Her worth is truly above rubies, as Proverbs 31 says.
You will be able to buy my ebook, Walking With God, here at Tablet Of My Heart for just $10.99 using Paypal, one of the most secure online transaction methods. If you do not have a Paypal account, you can go here to sign up.
The ebook will be available in pdf format. You can download the latest version of Adobe Reader 9 for free here.
Stay tuned for news about the ebook so you can get your copy soon!
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