Did you miss last week’s Talkshoe show with award-winning author and speaker Patty Mason? Then you missed such a blessing!
Patty was very transparent in the struggle she had with depression and anger. She realized that the illusion of the American dream, “having it all” – owning the nice house and car and being financially blessed, marriage to her sweetheart, having kids, being on stage and being applauded and awarded for her great accomplishments – left her empty and hurting. Depression overtook her life at what seemed to be the pinnacle of her dreams, and it was only when Jesus touched her, that her life changed to one of joy, peace and true fulfillment and satisfaction.
You can still hear the show by clicking here or listening on the Talkshoe player before. Be sure to check out Patty’s book, Breaking Free: Breaking the Bonds of Depression Without Drugs.
***Want to go deeper into the topic of depression? Check out my ebook on women and spiritual warfare, The Hands Of A Woman: Everyday Women In Everyday Battles. In this ebook, I share several stories of women with severe depression, including part of my own story, how common depression is among women, the causes of depression – and the solution.
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