Today I read a post by Copyblogger on motives of blogging: service or self-promotion. It was very good and you can read it here. Jesus told us that He came to serve, and we are to follow His example.
God wants us to touch hearts with his love, to minister to others’ needs, to encourage and pray for people, to tell them the good news of Jesus Christ. To let others know how much God loves them, and is their Friend. Whatever you and I have to do today, whatever issues arise, we can have the assurance that God is with us and will help us.
As I was working on this blog, I had a headache and didn’t feel well. I was really struggling to come up with words to write and I thought, “It’s just not there!” So I got up, plugged in our big boom box, and turned up the radio loud on KLOVE radio station as I loaded the sinkful of dirty dishes into the dishwasher. The Revelation Song was playing by Phillips, Craig & Dean, and I had to stop what I was doing to just sing and praise God. The anointing on that song is so strong, and just gives me such a hunger to be before God’s throne in heaven, worshipping Him forever!
After I finished the dishes, feeling better, I went on You Tube to find the video, and found the one below. As I listened to this, I sang even louder until our daughter Leah came down the hallway, commenting on how loud I was, haha. I told her I just had to praise God. He is so worthy our our worship! Enjoy the video!
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