What’s your message to others?
Tomorrow I give my first, ice-breaker speech at the Toastmasters club which I recently joined, a great place to sharpen your public speaking skills. The ice-breaker is a two to three minute speech, introducing yourself to the members. You are then critiqued by the members afterward – what was good and what needs improvement, and if you met that speech’s objectives outlined in the Competent Communication manual.
I was practicing my presentation here at home the other day, and told Ray that I was having trouble keeping my speech within the 3-minute time limit. “I can see why,” he commented dryly, grinning. “You love to talk about yourself for hours.” OUCH!
Seriously, the ice breaker presentation has made me wonder: what is the message that I convey to others?
Jesus said that our lives and hearts are to be a living epistle of Him. 2 Corinthians 3:1 (The Message) says, “Your very lives are a letter that anyone can read by just looking at you. Christ himself wrote it—not with ink, but with God’s living Spirit; not chiseled into stone, but carved into human lives—and we publish it.”
His message of hope and agape love should be carved into our lives, wherever we go, and whatever we do. As we open our mouths to speak, our words should encourage and uplift others with God’s love and grace. Sometimes words are not even necessary – all it takes to convey that love is a smile, a hug, an understanding nod, a silent prayer, or a listening ear.
Today as we speak to others and go about our day, let’s remember that His eternal word is published on the tablet of our hearts, written with God’s unconditional love and forgiveness, and we can share that good news with others.
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