You know that my website Tablet Of My Heart is dedicated to the 3 P’s – Prayer, Purpose, and Passion. I wonder what God thinks of hair prayer?
Women get easily bored with their hair and often want to change it. For about two months now, I’ve been thinking about changing my hair color to a dark auburn color. I didn’t want to make a rash, rushed decision (something I usually do!).
My natural color is dark brown, and for the last couple of years my wonderful hairdresser has highlighted it with blonde, always doing a beautiful job on subtle highlights and trimming it. The woman is just flat out anointed to do hair. Plus, she’s real Sanguine and friendly and fun to talk with while she’s pampering me. 🙂
This week I came into the shop, and told her that I wanted a dark auburn color. She thought it’d be pretty. When it was my appointment time, she showed me some hair color samples. That’s when I started feeling doubts.
“That color is as dark as my roots – even darker. I don’t see auburn in there at all,” I said, looking dubiously at the sample. She assured me it had auburn, and took me by the window with the sunlight shining through it. The sunlight did bring out a lot of auburn in the hair sample. I hesitated, but agreed to do it because I like and trust her.
Shortly after she applied the color to my hair, I asked, “Are you going to be upset if I ask for more auburn color? This is turning dark.” She looked over at it and said that she could add some auburn to it, but it took time to take.
A couple minutes later, she looked at it again and began mixing up a batch of color to help it. She seemed as surprised as I did and said that hair coloring product usually didn’t have that effect on others’ hair. It figures! Leave it to my hair. My hair is just as stubborn as I am sometimes. 🙂
When it was rinsed out and dry, it was not dark auburn. Just dark. REAL DARK – like black. As I stared into the mirror completely silent (my husband would say this is a miracle), the only thought that crossed my mind was, “I look like Joan Jett.” (I grew up in the 80’s. For the younger generation Y, she was a pop/rock star.) All I needed was an orange jumpsuit and to put on my black eyeliner much thicker.
I don’t think it looks bad – at least it’s not orange or purple (those colors may look great on you, but probably not on me.) It’s just such a startling contrast to the blonde highlights I’ve had for several years. As my sister said when she saw it on my cell phone pic text, “It will take adjustment.”
In light of Japan’s earthquake and tsunami, warfare tensions in Libya, and the raccoon’s head getting stuck in peanut butter, I think my hair issue is just not that big a crisis.
But that is why you see a new pic on my Facebook fan page and the welcome page here with my black hair. I am riding it out for a couple weeks (to not damage my hair with more color), and then will go back to my hairdresser to try again for dark auburn. I think next time it will work.
Say a hair prayer for me. 🙂
Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. (1 Peter 3:3-4, NIV)
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