My husband Ray Jones, when he first joined the navy
Today is Memorial’s Day, and we honor those who have served in the military or have laid down their lives for our freedoms here in the U.S. Our freedom is something never to be taken for granted, but cherished. Without the unselfish service of our armed forces, we would be like many countries today under oppressive governmental rule. The military and those who have sacrificed their lives for us are among our greatest heroes.
“They hover as a cloud of witnesses above this Nation.” -Henry Ward Beecher
Today I want to thank all of those who serve in the military and give honor to those who have laid down their lives for mine and our children’s freedom – and generations to come. May God continue to protect our military, keeping them safe each day in the palm of His hands. May God comfort those who have lost loved ones who have so faithfully served our nation for our freedom’s sake.
I also am thankful to Jesus Christ,who gives us the ultimate freedom in Him – abundant life forever with God the Father, healing and miracles, financial provision and blessings, wisdom and guidance, and most of all, FRIENDSHIP.
“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.’ ~ Galatians 5:1
Video tribute to military/veterans who lay down their lives for us each day.
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