If you have noticed Tablet Of My Heart’s website appears different, it has gotten a little bit of a new look. The “search” feature is now underneath the RSS and email subscribe button at the top of the page on the right hand side. My personal mailing list sign-up for the weekly ezine has been moved down a little on the page.
I have temporarily made some articles and other pages private to make room for some new articles and products for sale, and have added a new heading on the black navigational bar (7-audio sessions).
Kelly with FreshNets helped me with the change to my website’s search feature, so I could add the new heading (7-audio sessions) on the black navigational bar at the top of the page. The new changes are preparation for Cindy Rushton’s group coaching program class’ BIG LAUNCH in January 2010, and to make room for the new products I am working on this coming year.
Some of the students in Cindy’s coaching group who are EXCELLENT writers and speakers will be teaching and sharing words of encouragement on Cindy’s upcoming show in one month, so stay tuned for a VERY exciting event! You don’t want to miss this one! I can’t WAIT!
All of us students in her coaching program will be introducing our brand-new products that we began creating in her class during the four weeks in December. I HIGHLY recommend Cindy’s coaching program. Cindy is a mighty woman of God, and she just pours out His love, wisdom, and very practical, helpful advice on making information products, based on over 20 years of great success in writing and speaking. She has another coaching program coming up soon. You can find out more at www.cindyrushton.com or email her at cindy@cindyrushton.com.
For my product in Cindy’s class, I am finishing up a 7-audio series on prayer, based on my book Walking With God, that will include freebie session questions, freebie session articles, and other goodies, in a bundle set for sale.
This audio set will include practical, useful tips for how to have that daily quiet time with God in the midst of a noisy, hectic, rushed world! So many of us wives and moms have a long to-do list every day, and we feel like we can’t squeeze in just ONE more thing. This series will encourage you to make prayer to God a #1 priority in your life, and will give you helpful tips for HOW to make that happen – and it does not have to take an HOUR, but in just a few minutes a day. You will see what a difference prayer can make in YOUR life and in those around you!
If you are not already signed up for my personal mailing list for my weekly ezine, sign up today so you’ll be sure to not miss any new updates or announcements about this upcoming launch in one month!
Just go to the top of the page on the right hand side, and fill in your email address. Your email address is safe with me; I will never sell, rent, or give it away; you will NOT receive spam from me! What you WILL receive is a weekly ezine with encouragement from God’s word in mini-articles, updates on what’s new here at Tablet Of My Heart, a link to my newest podcast, and freebie articles and audios to bless you and to encourage you in your friendship with God.
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