The Cinderella Story: The Power of Shoes

The Cinderella Story: The Power of Shoes Design by Christine Dupre Copyright 2015 Beth Jones

Do you love cute shoes? Most women do.

One of the most famous pair of shoes of all was Cinderella’s unique glass slippers.

glass slipper

“Cinderella is proof that the right pair of shoes can change your life.” – Author unknown

Women and girls love fairy tales, and Cinderella is a favorite.

We all want to feel like the most beautiful girl in the room, to be chosen and loved forever.

The Cinderella story gives us hope of our impossible dreams becoming true.

Do you dare to believe?

Cinderella did. She didn’t want to just play it safe.

She had a big dream in her heart-to go to the ball and dance with the prince for an opportunity to be his beautiful bride.

She knew there had to be more to life than sweeping floors and cleaning! 

Instinct told her that she was created for much, much more.

She took action to get what she wanted!

In her beautiful gown and glass slippers, she was a woman on a mission, courageously daring to fulfill her great destiny, in spite of – and maybe even because of – the odds and the pain in her life.

Just as Cinderella stood out among all the other women at the ball and the Prince chose her, Jesus your Prince has chosen you as His radiant Bride, without blemish or wrinkle.

Bride and Groom in vineyard

You were never meant for mediocrity.

You weren’t created to fit in with others in the crowd, but to stand apart as a woman of influence and impact.

Now is the time to walk in your own unique “glass slippers” – your God-designed purpose and calling.

Here is your invitation…

The Cinderella Story: The Power of Shoes

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Beth Jones

  Beth Jones, International Speaker/Author