I’m so excited and honored to be a contributing author for LaToya Gay’s book, Born 2 Be Different.
14 women’s powerful stories of how they overcome the odds of the world to make a Kingdom impact. 7 women over 30 years old (paving the way). 7 women under 30 years old (setting the record straight).
Stories in this book like:
- A woman who was almost molested twice by a family member between the ages of 11-12 years old?
- A woman who hated men for several years because of the things that no young lady should experience at such a young age.
- A woman who had affairs with married men, became pregnant out of wedlock 3 times by 3 different men, and had 3 abortions.
- A woman who struggled with depression, anxiety, and lustful pleasures (pornography) for several years in secret.
Maybe you have experienced a similar traumatic past and you are ready to let go and be healed ~ and be who God created you to be, a woman of influence and impact!
Our first book under our newest Born 2 Be Different series was written for young women like YOU! You are:
- Born 2 Be Free
- Born 2 Stand Out
- Born 2 Love God
- Born 2 Love Others
- Born 2 Be Successful
- and Born 2 Be Yourself!
You can get your autographed PRINT COPY today for just $9.99, plus $2.00 shipping.
(Please allow up to one week for delivery. )
To learn more, click here to visit my website store and scroll down until you see the book, Born 2 Be Different.
After you pay with Paypal, you should be directed back to my Thank You page here.
If you have any questions or problems, email me at elizabethdjones@gmail.com.
“God has made us what we are. He has created us in Christ Jesus to live lives filled with good works that He has prepared for us to do.” ~ Ephesians 2:10, God’s Word Translation
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