When you think of the word “woman,” what comes to mind? Wife? Mother? Grandmother? Or a maid? Chauffeur? Husband’s sexual need-meeter? Mouthy, catty sister?
“Woman” can mean many things, but the greatest meaning of “woman” is “the pinnacle of God’s creation,” as author Stasi Eldredge describes her in the book, Captivating. In the first six days of creation, everything that God created He described as “good.” After He made Eve, though, He declared His creation “very good.” (italics mine) Man was not complete without woman. Something was not quite right, not quite finished before Eve. She played a very special role in God’s plans!
When God created Eve from Adam’s rib as he slept, He did not create her from man”s foot to be crushed underneath him, nor from the top of his head, to rise above him…but rather from his rib, to walk beside him as his life-long companion and help-meet.
To be a woman is one of the greatest privileges we could ever have. I love being a woman. Each day I celebrate my femininity. I enjoy putting on makeup, brushing my long hair, painting my fingernails and toenails pretty shades, shopping for new clothes. It’s a joy to be a woman. It’s an honor and a privilege to be a wife, a mother, and a (young!) grandmother. Being a woman is a beautiful, precious gift.
Eve was the first woman. When Adam first saw her, he marveled. He knew instantly this was his beautiful companion, that he needed her to become all that God intended him to be. He named her “woman” because she was taken from him. She was part of him. Eve’s name means “mother of all living.” Isn’t that wonderful? Woman brings forth LIFE. She has a very important role to fill!
Woman was created first and foremost to worship God, to use her spiritual gifts for His glory. Secondly, she was created to be a helper to her husband. Third, she was created to produce children, to multiply and fill the earth with godly offspring for God’s kingdom.
I have always found it interesting that the crafty serpent, satan, targeted the woman instead of the man. There was something special about her that caught his eye. He knew that if he could get to the woman, he could destroy the entire family! He also knew that she obviously thirsted for a deeper knowledge and spiritual mysteries, thus she was more vulnerable for his attack. He knew if he could distract her husband for the moment and catch him off guard as the protector of the family, he would be able to get to his wife.
God in his great love and mercy redeemed man (and woman) from the curse of sin and from satan’s evil plans against the woman and her family. God always has the last word!
Today we as women of God can walk in victory over satan and in the anointing of God, because of Jesus’ finished work on the cross over 2,000 years ago. God will give us the daily strength, wisdom and help we need to walk in obedience to His word, and to use our spiritual gifts from God to further His kingdom on earth. We can walk in assurance that everywhere our foot treads, we possess the land for God. We have authority over snakes and scorpions (satanic influences) through Christ.
As women of God, we have a great calling and destiny from the Lord to fulfill. We just need to hear God’s voice clearly, and obey.
If you would like to be empowered to walk in your calling and destiny as a woman of God, I invite you to attend Norma Washington Ministries She Shall Be Called WOMAN conference on January 22-23, 2010, in sunny Phoenix, Arizona. Start making your plans now to attend; you don’t want to miss this exciting conference! The conference fee is only $69, and you can use a convenient 3-payment plan to pay.
The anointed Prophetess Norma Washington will be joined by Pastor Sharon R. Crawford of the New Jerusalem Temple of the Living God (Collingwood, NJ) and Prophetess Michelle Weston of Abundant New Life through Christ Ministries (Mansfield, TX).
I am scheduled to teach a workshop on prayer there (“Morning Glory”) at 8:30 am on Saturday, January 23, 2010. I am very excited about this!
Here is the link for registration for this conference. I really hope to see you there!
(Link removed, conference over)
Prophetess Norma Washington, author of Saturday Morning Sisterhoood
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