Do you love your life? Is it filled with joy and purpose? If not, what is keeping you from it?
Recently I ordered iChoose2 Love My Life by Kelly Thorne Gore and the iBloom team. Better late than never, right? (It came out in 2011!) But God’s timing is always perfect.
The first chapter of this wonderful book is iChoose2 Love My Life. Kelly writes:
“This is a book written by a dedicated team of women who have a heart for helping others shift from surviving to thriving. Through this one-year journey, we want you to experience a life:
- Without regrets
- Where you intentionally invest in yourself
- Full of joy, purpose, and love
- Where you aren’t just existing, but instead, living your legacy.
Through the year, as you will make small changes at a determined and steady pace, you will be transformed.”
I want to experience all of these, and more; what about you? But I feel the third one is so important. The joy of the Lord is our strength. (Nehemiah 8:10) And I want my life filled to the brim and overflowing with God’s purpose and His love.
Joy even in the hard times
That isn’t always easy. Having a life of joy, purpose, and love doesn’t mean your life will be perfect. Mine certainly isn’t! Only Jesus was perfect and lived a perfect life. It does mean, though, that God desires for you to know the vitality and the endurance which His joy gives you during the hard times and tough days.
- When the bank account is low.
- When your marriage is on the verge of divorce.
- When the kids are fighting non-stop.
- When your loved one gets a bad medical report.
- When the company is downsizing and you have the least seniority.
- When the headline news terrifies you.
- When your son or daughter is being sent to the front lines.
Joy is not a Pollyanna, illogically optimistic view of the world. Rather, it is a quiet, trusting, unshakeable confidence in God and His faithfulness, that He is working out everything for our good and His glory. That He’s saving the best for last for us, just as Jesus saved the best wine for last! (John 2: 1-11)
Living a Life of Purpose
Are you living a life of purpose – or are you just wandering around, lost and confused, trying to figure everything out still? Are you doing what God created you for – or wasting time in mediocre, boring living? Are you pursuing your passion, doing what you love and knowing that joy and that sense of fulfillment each day?
We are talking about this each week in my virtual, Unveiled: G.I.F.T.S. Process class. If you missed registering for this class, I plan to have another one in spring 2013. Be sure to sign up for my personal mailing list at the top of the page on the right hand side, to be the first to hear about this class.
If you need more one-on-one help with discovering your life purpose and using your gifts for God, click here for my coaching services. There are three packages to choose from, depending on your budget and your needs.
I do love my life right now. Each and every day is like a kiss from God. My family is my most precious gift. My wonderful friends are what makes me wealthy. I’m in alignment with God’s purpose for me: speaking, writing, and coaching, ministering to and working with Christian women, who know God has more for their lives and want more of His Presence and all He has for them for His glory.
What about you? Are you lovin’ your life right now?
What’s one thing you would change right now if you could to make your life happier, more purposeful and joy-filled?
*This post contains an affiliate link. I only recommend products I use and/or believe in myself.
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