Here in Missouri, we feel the first kiss of autumn. I am lovin’ the cooler weather at times, after the frequent 100+ temps this summer and after one of Missouri’s worst droughts. The change in season is a welcome balm.
There are different seasons in our lives, too. On Thursday of this week, I had my milestone 50th birthday. I wasn’t exactly going to advertise my age, but two of my friends felt compelled to announce my age to the world on Facebook when they wished me happy birthday, LOL, so I guess it’s not news now! At least they said I was lookin’ good, which made me feel a little better. 🙂
Ray encouraged me when he gave me a card and wrote in it that 50 is the Hebrew jubillee year of the Lord, the year all debts and faults are cancelled. I receive that! Some of my friends have told me it just gets better from here, and these are going to be some of the best days of my life. I receive that, too!
Fifty sounds “old,” but I don’t feel old and I have always believed that age is more of a state of mind. Some of the youngest, happiest, most alive people I know are women who are senior citizens, who frequently laugh, have fun, and have a child-like spirit. They love their lives. I intend to be like that, too, and to NEVER grow “old” in mind and spirit! I believe that my best days are ahead!
“The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former,’ says the LORD of hosts, ‘and in this place I will give peace,’ declares the LORD of hosts.” – Haggai 2:29
In honor of my 50th birthday, I am giving a 50% discount on everything in my estore. Just email me at elizabethdjones@gmail.com and tell me which product you want with your email address. I will send you a Paypal invoice with the 50% off price, then send you the link for the info product after your purchase. I have 3 books and a 7-audio bundle set just for you to choose from, that will bless you!
This 50% off discount includes my coaching service here. It’s my gift to you! Remember to email me at elizabethdjones@gmail.com, and do NOT use the Paypal buttons on the store or the coaching page, so I can properly invoice you with the 50% discount!
Just click here to find what you need today. Or buy something for a family member or friend to bless them! 😀
Soon I’m offering beautiful jewelry here!
I have more products coming for my estore (two new ebooks due out this fall!), and I’m happy to announce that soon I’m going to offer some beautiful, hand-made, sterling silver jewelry from my friend Jennifer Whiddon of Jennifer Whiddon designs)!!! Be sure to sign up on my personal mailing list so you’ll be first to hear about these new products for sale. I am SOOO excited about this new Joint Venture with Jennifer, and can’t wait to share them with you!
Some of Jennifer’s creative, unique pieces go perfectly with my products and my passion for encouraging women to use their gifts for God and my belief that God has custom designed each of us for His glory. Jennifer got an idea this week for a piece that I believe God gave her JUST for me and my business, and I am SUPER excited about this!
I can’t wait to get one for myself, but first Jennifer and I are doing a JV to give away the first one on the last class in my Unveiled: G.I.F.T.S. Process sessions that I’m holding now online. You can find Jennifer on Facebook at www.facebook.com/Jenniferwhiddondesigns.
In my next post, I’ll share 50 things I’ve learned in 50 years.
Remember to email me at elizabethdjones@gmail.com today for your 50% off discount price on any of my products or coaching services.
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