I wanted to quickly get out this exciting news out to everyone on my reader, listener, subscriber, and webinar sign-up lists, because the web page is ready now for my fourth upcoming webinar, Seasons Of Stretching: Shaped and Equipped For Your Great Purpose with Jane VanOsdol and Mary Kane of https://onlybyprayer.com.
Jane, Mary, and I are SO excited about this and we can’t wait to see you there. It’s going to be fun, you’re going to learn a lot, and you’re going to walk away encouraged and inspired.
Will this webinar be the same as my last three webinars? NO! Each webinar I am doing has a different flavor – it is awesome how God orchestrates things and meets people’s needs and desires in such amazing and personal ways. Jane and Mary are anointed women of God, who sit daily at Jesus’ feet, and they will have MUCH to impart to you in this particular webinar – you don’t want to miss it!
The link to sign up today is here. https://www.bethjones.net/seasofst.html
This may be my last webinar this year!
This is possibly my last webinar for this year, as I am flying to Phoenix, Arizona in October to speak, and will be taking a break sometime after that to pray and seek God for more year-end direction and the year 2011’s direction…so please take advantage of this webinar at no charge to you today! Also, there’s no pushy, very annoying “snake oil” selling in these webinars; we are just women of God who love Him and want to encourage you, dear friend, to draw nearer to Him!
I want to leave you with five practical tips when YOUR faith is being tested and stretched.
Call out and stay close to Jesus. When Peter realized he was sinking in the waves, he didn’t just shrug his shoulders and let himself drown. No, he immediately cried out for help to the Lord. Acknowledge to God that you’re over your head here and you need Him to deliver you! God is just waiting to give you His love and His strength, and to demonstrate His great power to you and others for His glory!
“I am holding you by your right hand – I, the Lord your God – and I say to you, don’t be afraid; I am here to help you.” (Isaiah 41: 13-14).
Lose your mind! As my friend Norma Washington says in the front of her book Saturday Morning Sisterhood, you need to lose your mind so you can gain the mind of Christ! Renew your mind daily studying God’s eternal word. Get God’s thoughts on the matter and His eternal perspective on the situation.
Beat it —passivity, that is! (to the tune of the late Michael Jackson’s song!) Get physical! Go for a walk, dance, run, do crunches or leg lifts, jump on the mini-trampoline, put in an exercise tape, join a gym, swim. I am walking now and just starting our daughter Heather’s zumba aerobics class when she is teaching it again in a couple of weeks. Exercise will help you to take loving care of yourself to be fit and healthy, so that you can do and be what God has created you to do and to become! We can’t fulfill our destiny without our bodies! When you are in a trial of faith, you’re often under a great deal of stress. Exercise will help you to de-stress and to re-energize.
Ditch the Eeyores and find the Tiggers! Surround yourself with positive, faith-filled people who will encourage you in your faith and your walk with God, and who will speak God’s words of life over you and your difficult situation. For those family and friends who are always critical, negative, and pessimistic, with a cloud of gloom over their heads like Eeyore in Winnie the Pooh, thank them kindly for their concern – then run the other way from them! Find friends who will lift you up and give you hope through God’s truth.
Sing, girl! (or boy!). Yeah, right, I can just hear you saying, and rolling your eyes at me! The last thing you feel like doing when your faith is being stretched is singing! It’s hard to worship and praise God in the middle of a battle, but worship and praise are powerful weapons of warfare! Let the high praises of God be in your mouth! (Psalm 149: 5-6) They will cut down the enemy and bring you to victory through Christ.
These tips will help you when times are tough and your faith is being pushed to its limit. Want to learn more? You will learn effective and powerful prayer strategies in overwhelming times. You will also discover what to do when you are at the crossroads in life, wondering if God can still use you, and find out how to pursue your life’s passion and purpose, at our upcoming webinar, Seasons of Stretching: Shaped and Equipped for Your Great Purpose.You will love Jane VanOsdol and Mary Kane!
Again the link to sign up is https://www.bethjones.net/seasofst.html.
Please email me if you have any comments or questions at elizabethdjones@gmail.com. We can’t wait to see you there!
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