Thanks to all of you who came to my first-ever webinar, 3 P’s in a Pod: Prayer, Purpose, Passion! God’s presence was there, I believe that the women attending were encouraged, and praise God there were NO technical problems! GOD IS GOOD! Praise the Lord! Each woman attending received bonus goodies just for coming, including my ebook Walking With God.
Here is some encouraging feedback from Mara, who attended the webinar.
Frankly, I was scared to death to do this webinar! It was a huge step of faith for me. I had never done a webinar before and didn’t know how to do it, but I researched it and talked to a friend who had done them before. Next, I prepared my power point, posted a blog about it, tweeted about it to invite women to come, and then just stepped out in faith – like Peter getting out of the boat to walk on the water toward Jesus!
Sometimes we just have to trust God and take that first scary step. He will be there to help us every step of the way.
I am planning to have more upcoming webinars with other speakers, so if you are not already subscribed on my personal mailing list, be sure to sign up today at the top of the website on the right hand side to stay connected and to get the details. The next webinar will probably be in July with another speaker, and it is going to be GREAT!
When you sign up on my mailing list, you will receive my free special report, Keys To Intimacy. You will also receive articles, audios, ebooks, and other bonus goodies, that will encourage you in your daily walk with God and to fulfill your destiny in Christ.
Today at noon central time, a licensed family counselor, Celeste, with Innervision Christian Counseling, is interviewing me live on air on radio station WMUZ (103.5 FM – The Light) in Detroit, MI. The program also plays simultaneously in St. Louis, MO. Celeste will be talking to me about my testimony, my website, and my products for sale here.
I will be sharing on 3 steps to your dreams and fulfilling your purpose in Christ. This was an unexpected blessing this week, and I am very thankful to God for this wonderful opportunity. You can tune into the station here.
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